Monday, June 29, 2009

Tales from Peru

Well, here we are in Bolivia having spent a week or so in Peru. The highlight of course has to be Machu Picchu, shown in this photo, which was taken from the "Hut of the Caretaker of the Funerary Rock". Quite why a rock needs a caretaker is beyond me, especially when the rock weighs about 3 tonnes. Perhaps they needed to create a post to keep some jobsworth busy:

"Oh mighty ruler Kamasawa, please tell me what is my role?"
"Ombogo, you have served me well, and I shall award you the role of high priest"
"And what of I might Kamasawa?"
"Loyal Umbuli, you shall join my palace of the Royal Guards with Isashi and Ombozok. Pray, go stand over there with, not there...yes, that´s it"
"Boss, lookout! Here comes Bognot!"
"Bugger! What role can I give him?? Remember last time when I made him guardian of the Sun Temple and he let those Mexicans brigands in? In took us ages to clean up after that. Shhh, here he comes..."
"Oh mighty Kamasawa, please honour me with the knowledge of my post"
"Ah, Bognot, didn´t see you there. You can, er, you can be the .... Caretaker of the Funerary Rock. Yes, that´s it"
"Say what?"
"The Caretaker of the Funerary Rock. You know - Funerary, like funerals and stuff I guess. A most important role."
"That rock all the way over there? Miles away from everyone else?"
"Yes, that´s the one"
"Fair enough. Oh mighty Kamasawa, i shall guard the Funfairy Rock with my life"
"Good. Run along then Bognot"

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