Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lunch - Indian style

Seeing as I'm in India working for the next month I'll be posting news and maybe photos if I can figure out how.

So, normally my lunch consists of popping over to M&S to grab a quick sarnie then coming back to my desk. Today, however, we got into a 4x4 and drove through the monsoon rain down a flooded road to a church and shared a banquet at an Indian wedding. Great fun, and a bit different to my rare roast beef and horseradish sandwich.


Unknown said...

So what was lunch Indian Style.

Good idea to do a blog, we'll look forward to catching up with you.
Mum xx

Richie said...

Ah, blogs. The new way for parents to "keep up to date" with their kids. My mum currently reads my blog, snoops through my flickr photos, reads my Twitters, then snoops at my friends blogs too. Next thing I know I'll get a friend request.

Oh wait, I already got one from dad...